Kizazi Kijacho (“The Next Generation”)
This program aims to make a major scientific contribution by establishing and analyzing a large and rich nationally-representative longitudinal cohort dataset using state-of-the art methods to measure child development and its multi-dimensional inputs from in-utero until age 3. The program also carries out a large-scale randomized controlled trial (RCT) in the Dodoma region to test the relative cost-effectiveness of a parenting program, an Unconditional Cash Transfer program and a program combining these two.
The main policy objective is to yield actionable evidence for policy makers, donors and practitioners about the design of cost-effective, scalable, sustainable, integrated Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs, from the prenatal period until the child’s 3rd year of life – the “first 1,000 days”.
The experimental and longitudinal data that we will collect will be used to assess the relative impact of different ECD intervention packages, to track progress in ECD over time and to construct a comprehensive empirical model suitable for ECD policy analysis of the determinants of parental behaviour and child development.