DLL knowledge reviews synthesize available research and extract lessons for practical use.
We offer three types of knowledge reviews to cater to different audiences and needs:
1. Knowledge Briefs: These concise, 3-4-pages documents are designed for practitioners, offering actionable insights and practical guidance.
2. Evidence Reviews: Designed for practitioners who need more detailed information than what is provided in Knowledge Briefs. These reviews can be rapid literature reviews, umbrella reviews (review of systematic reviews), or a combination of these.
3. Systematic Reviews: These comprehensive analyses are written in a more academic style, providing detailed evaluations of the effectiveness of development interventions and exploring the nature and causes of development challenges.
The knowledge reviews are living documents that we aim to update regularly to incorporate the latest research and insights. All published versions will be available on the DLL website, ensuring that scholars, practitioners, and other users can confidently cite the reviews, knowing that the version references will remain accessible in the future.
For a full list of relevant systematic reviews, please see the 3ie Development Evidence Portal.

Climate adaptation interventions in smallholder agriculture

Conflict and domestic turmoil: A review of intimate partner violence in conflict settings

How (not) to enhance women’s access to dignified work and earnings?

Impact of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs)

Impacts of parenting programs in low- and middle-income countries

Promoting women’s economic empowerment through business trainings

Violence against children: Impact of parenting and community-based programs in LMICs

What works in combatting gender-based violence?

Does aid work?

Effects of interventions to reduce child marriage

Female genital mutilation: Prevalence, drivers, and effects of interventions

The role of agriculture in economic development, nutrition, and food security