DLL conducts rigorous research alongside the implementation of development programmes to understand what works, why, and for whom.
We develop research questions together with our partners and establish rapid feedback loops to enable learning along the way.
Search for Development Learning Lab projects

Controlled before-after study
WorkLab: Work training for young women

Randomized evaluation
Effectiveness of peer counseling in addressing psychological distress and exposure to violence among LGBTI population in Nepal

Randomized evaluation
Investing in safe deliveries: correcting misperceived social norms to provide more generous maternity grants in rural Zambia

Controlled before-after study
Water and Social Cohesion in Refugee Settings

Randomized evaluation
Information campaigns for improved state-society and intergroup relations in fragile states

Randomized evaluation + nationally representative longitudinal cohort study
Kizazi Kijacho (“The Next Generation”)

Evaluation with synthetic control
Incentives for tax compliance

Randomized evaluation
Effects of multi-sectoral rehabilitation and reconstruction on living conditions

Randomized evaluation
Can zinc increase survival of young infants receiving antibiotic treatment?

Randomized evaluation
Community initiated Kangaroo Mother Care for low birth weight infants

Randomized evaluation
Economic support and community dialogue for reduced adolescent childbearing and increased school completion

Randomized evaluation
Empowerment for reduced partner violence

Randomized evaluation
Saving behaviour and mobile banking

Randomized evaluation